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standing one leg toe touch for explosive power
5 Jul 2017

How to do Standing One Leg Toe Touch drill for Power Rugby Players

Standing One Leg Toe Touch drill is great for practicing your balance and for strengthening and controlling the glutes, abdominals, and lower back. The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.

The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. They are responsible for the abduction, extension, the external and internal rotation your hips. The glutes are crucial for jumping, speed sprinting, and the ability to quickly change direction–all of which you need to master to be an explosive rugby player.

Standing One Leg Toe Touch 7 in steps:

  1. Stand on your left leg with your right knee softly bent. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back.
  2. Bend forward and touch the ground with the tip of your right hand with your bent right leg slightly rising behind you.
  3. Pull your body back up to a standing position and repeat this side until you begin to lose form.
  4. Return to standing with both feet shoulder width apart. Start the other side.
  5. Stand your right leg with your left knee softly bent. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back.
  6. Bend forward and touch the ground with the tip of your left hand with your bent left leg slightly rising behind you.
  7. Pull your body back up to a standing position and repeat this side until you begin to lose form.

Get to it NOW.

Coach Terry


REMEMBER: Before starting any new exercise routines please check with your medical provider and clear your new exercise plan with them before beginning. This is especially true if you haven’t been exercising for some time or are recovering from an injury. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on T.V.


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