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Abdominal twist drill for explosive power rugby
5 Jul 2017

How to do Abdominal Twist for power rugby players

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Abdominal Twists help rugby players increase mobility and strengthen their obliques. The obliques aid in the twisting movement of your trunk. Twisting is valuable when passing across the rugby field and twisting to turn away from a grabbing opponent.

The Abdominal Twist in 8 steps:

1. Lie down on the ground with your legs bent at the knees.
2. Raise your upper body from the waist up so it forms a V-shape with your bent legs. Your hands should be clasped at your belly button. This is your starting position.
3. Inhale and then twist your torso to the left side with your hands moving towards your left hip while breathing out.
4. Hold this position for two seconds.
5. Inhale and return to your starting position. Exhale.
6. Inhale and then twist your torso to the right side with your hands moving towards your right hip while breathing out.
7. Hold this position for two seconds.
8. Inhale and return to your starting position. Exhale.

Power rugby players eventually do this drill with a weight in their hands.

Get to it NOW.

Coach Terry


REMEMBER: Before starting any new exercise routines please check with your medical provider and clear your new exercise plan with them before beginning. This is especially true if you haven’t been exercising for some time or are recovering from an injury. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on T.V.


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