Coach Terry's Corner - The Rugby Blog

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One arm plank for explosive power
5 Jul 2017

How To Do Plank arm reach for Power Rugby Players

Core strength and balance are important attributes that help you during intense rugby matches. Adding arm reaches to a plank drill further engages your abs and work on your balancing ability and core stability. Plank arm reach drills will help correct your balance, create more stability when you move your body quickly and increase your motor control, all so you can move your body tactfully and succinctly on the rugby field.

The Plank Arm reach in 6 steps:

1. Start with a solid plank position with your elbows and forearms touching the ground with both shoulders lined up over your elbows while hands remain at shoulder-width apart.
2. Make sure your back is flat with hips tucked under and squeeze your glutes so your body is stiff like a “plank.”
3. Reach your right arm out above your head.
4. Hold this position for 3 seconds.
5. Return right arm to original plank position.
6. Repeat steps 2 – 4 with your left arm.

Some rugby players eventually add a push-up and back down from the starting plank position between each arm change.

Get to it NOW.

Coach Terry


REMEMBER: Before starting any new exercise routines please check with your medical provider and clear your new exercise plan with them before beginning. This is especially true if you haven’t been exercising for some time or are recovering from an injury. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on T.V.


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